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Procurement methods

Procurement methods

Purchasing method Competitive Characteristics Contract size
Reverse auction (Pregão) Yes Reverse auction, open to any interested firm. Online or in-person. Off-the-shelf goods. Multiples bids per participant. Any value
Waiver (Direct contracting) Yes Small purchases Up to 17,600 BRL
Invitation to tender (Convite) Yes Participants are invited. Minimum of 3 bidders. Uninvited firms are allowed to participate. One bid per participant Up to 176,000 BRL
Competitive bidding (Concorrência) Yes Open to any interested bidder. One bid per participant Any value
Submission of prices (Tomada de preços) Yes Bidder must be previously registered. One bid per participant. Up to 1,430,000 BRL
Direct contracting No There is only one supplier. -
Contest Yes Artistic, scientific or technical work. -